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Condolence Notifications

May Their Memory Be For A Blessing


Anyone may submit a death notification for a member of the Madison area Jewish community. The submissions will be posted on this page of our website. We will do our best to post submissions received on the same day or next day, Monday - Friday. A daily email will be sent  to anyone who has subscribed to receive condolence notifications when there are new posts to the website on that day.

Lawrence "Larry" Shriberg

With great sadness, we write to inform you of the passing of Lawrence "Larry" Shriberg, husband of Linda Shriberg, brother of Arthur (Margie) Shriberg, Jerry (Dan Mills) Shriberg z”l, and Sister Judy (Jonathan) Quint, father of Elizabeth (Andreas Stolcke) Shriberg, Kathryn (Matt) Carrier,…

Charlotte Stein

With great sadness, we write to inform you that Charlotte Stein passed away on Friday, April 26, in Dallas, TX.

A private family burial service will be held for Charlotte on Friday, May 3, in Madison, WI.

For more information, contact

May Charlotte's memory be for a…

Julius Adler

With great sadness, we write to inform you of the passing of Julius Adler, husband of Hilde Adler, son of Irma and Adolf Adler, z"l,  father of Jeane Adler McMahon (Don McMahon) and David (Mary Beth) Adler, grandfather of Jackson and Mariluz, brother of Helen Adler, and cousin and frien…

John Peacock

With great sadness, we write to inform you of the death of John Peacock, husband of Paula Lewis and son-in-law of Herb Lewis. The funeral was held on April 2 in Silver Spring, Maryland.

Contact for more information.

May John's memory be for a blessing.

James Allen Shapiro

With great sadness, we write to inform you of the death on March 28 of James Allen Shapiro, son of Irving and Nadine (Schuster) Shapiro, z”l, father of Paul and Nathan Shapiro, ex-husband and good friend of Robin Shapiro, brother of Michael (Tanya) and Robert (Katherine Zirbel), uncle of M…